Avondale Lawn Mowers and Chainsaws, Auckland, sells, services and repairs a full range of outdoor equipment for the lawn and garden. A family business, our friendly, reliable and well-experienced lawn mower service experts in Auckland are known for their exceptional advice, integrity, and, of course, their fantastic customer service. We have been fixing outdoor equipment for years, led by our fully qualified small engine mechanic – an accredited repairer for most outdoor equipment brands.
We service and repair all outdoor repair all outdoor equipment, everything with a small engine, including generators, compactors, and reel mowers.
So visit our attractive showroom at 2 Georges Road, Avondale, Auckland to see our full range on display. Talk to the friendly staff and they can help you select the perfect equipment for your needs.
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Call us on 09 828 9438 or Visit us at 2 St Georges Road, Avondale 1026, New Zealand
Sells, services and repairs a full range of outdoor equipment for the lawn and garden. A family business, our friendly, reliable and well-experienced staff are known for their exceptional advice, integrity, and of course, for their fantastic customer service.